Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fairfield's Big Wind!

This is the "Old Shelton Place." The first thing you'll notice is the sign fallen away from it's proper place.
This is the old backdoor - screenless and the bench fallen over.
These are the shingles that blew off and dad saying a little prayer before he climbed atop the "old Shelton Place."

Looks like the ol' Shelton Place had her skirts blown up! We got it mostly put back into place....mostly. (at least til the next wind blows through...)

"Sanford and Son" done Shelton style! You should have seen how slowly Dad opened the door! Fibber McGee's got nothing on Uncle R!
Roof by Clayton Modular Homes! (Clayton's Best)

We glued down quite a few that didn't blow off - LOTS of moisture under the roof.
For safty's sake Dad tossed the caulking gun off of the roof. WHAT WERE THE CHANCES! It hit a bird that had somehow landed on a post. Don't tell Aunt Janet! We were torn between glueing the bird back together or burying it with honors...
We opted to save it's little life. Note the fine craftmanship on this glue-job.
We worked all afternoon on this and this is the final result. Note that we added a "Florida Room" for your enjoyment!
This is a shed that was by the church , just to the west of your house. As you can see, it had not been properly secured down...
We stopped by Maple Hill. Dad had used a couple of three-cent twisty-ties and the flowers on Grandpa and Grandma's monument were A-OK!
There was a lot of damage around the cemetery, though...

Some of the damage around town...As you can see, Tom Matthews had a total blow-out...
As you can see, 801 Delaware was hardest hit...

Dad was very disappointed to learn that Kinkaid's wouldn't take deer jerkey as payment and wanted real folding money!
We were so happy to find that Santa was still safely tied to the chimney of this fine Fairfield home. If it were up to me I'd have him gagged and blindfolded as well. Maybe we'll see this on the "Yard of the Month" contest later this year!"
Anna Had LOTS of limbs down!

This home was spared...